Wedding Photographer Cornwall and Devon
There is no right or wrong way to photograph a wedding. For me, I hope to go beyond the obvious, to surpass the simple recording of the event and create an art based documentary, a collection of photographs, something real and genuine, to photograph the spirit of the wedding.
But I am not for everyone. I am for the few.
I am for the ones that want something ambitious and genuinely artistic. For the ones that reject mediocre. Something more honest, simple and beautiful than you may have imagined. The day that will be remembered for a lifetime in your minds - the flickers of the incidental poetry and all of the meaning, captured in image for your lifetime and the lifetimes after yours.
I got you : )
the girls
“Genuine ART tells the truth”
Frequently Asked Questions
How long till I get my images ?
I am quite good at staying on top of my editing Ill be working on them pretty quickly after your day but it is nice to have a bit of a break , forget the wedding and then remember again so i would recommend 10-12 weeks ish after the wedding day?
PS i can send on a USB , full res for you to share, print and do anything you like with :)
Do you travel ?
Yes ! I love weddings in Devon and Cornwall and think when its good its as good as anywhere in the world i love it but i do like to have some adventures. Over the last few years i have shot wedding in almost 20 countries but there is a limited amount of destination i do a year. Let’s have a chat ! Travel fees are inevitable depending on location.
How would you describe your style of wedding photography ?
I love to think of my style as a gritty art inspired mindset of the day with a flair for documentary.
I want to build up a collection of the most beautiful bits of the day that happen. Being in the right place at the right time and adding a twist.
I want to shoot something timeless. I want to add grain and go with the natural imperfections of the different technologies i use.
What happens if its rains ?
The first thing id say about this is that rain never ruins a wedding day. It just changes it and we never know any different to the way it was so its always ok. The parties are amazing, the couple together shots are a bit different but often more real and unique situation and images. You have to be a bit more creative but you ll notice my website is pretty dark and i love being able to use the more low light creative spaces. AS well there is nothing more romantic than pictures of kissing in the rain, its one of my favorite things on a wedding day. amazing images ; )
Can you shoot us some film ?
Yep, i love shooting some film and when i say “some film” i mean some colour or black and white negative film. Analogue film. It has a different feel. There is a different way of shooting it than digital cameras. Its a different process to shooting with a digital camera. I would love to chat more about it just ask the question. All i can say is its a different thing altogether. I would love to shoot some film for you. Film can be brought with prints and scans as an addition to a normal package. Just ask :) I want to shoot film at every wedding if i can :)
Do you give us previews ?
I dont offer previews. The reason why is that it takes so long to bring up and render a project that cutting between projects for me is very time consuming and if i did previews for every wedding i woudnt get chance to actualy edit. BUT saying that , if you ask nicely with consideration i can often help out, as i said , i got you.
Some ideas to share...
Why am I a wedding photographer?
Weddings ! Whats the deal ? I love photographing weddings !!!! .....i mean I love photographing weddings, really good weddings .
The dress, and the venue and the makeup and hair and the canapés and fancy table places are nothing to do with a good wedding. All the best weddings no one really cares about anything except the connections and the moments and people in front of them.
There is a difference between a wedding and an event. I love to photograph weddings proper weddings. The weddings that turn into these swirling days of magnificent chaos of engagement and thanks and respect and love for the people who you love the most. Days where everyone is engaged with whats happening have let their guard down. Days where there are nerves and tears that stream down faces. The days where everyone has a double chin because they are so smiling so much. The days where there are surprises and flashes of people at their happiest and most vulnerable, honest and kind. Days where everyone is, including me, overwhelmed by its events.
This is why i love weddings. I don't mind being patient. Waiting for the whole day for the moments i have just described to reveal themselves. The little moments of incidental ness that define everything.
Having been lots of places all over the world. I often come back to the idea that when Cornwall and devon is good - its a good as anywhere i have ever been , I feel very lucky to live here and shoot wedding in Devon and Cornwall.
Plan your wedding about what matters most to you. Don’t go with what you think a good wedding is. Prioritise whats the most important and go with that. You know !