Alternative wedding photography in Devon

What is alternative wedding photography ? everyone is going to have their own variations of that idea. What i am trying to do is not be the same as everyone else. An alternative idea for your wedding photography. Everyone at your wedding is probably going to have a camera, probably itll be quite a good camera. My job is to photograph the day in a way that no one else is going to.

I am there to create a alternative art based documentary of your day , to photograph everything in a different. Its almost what i dont do on a wedding day that makes me alternative. I dont do pictures of the shoes by themselves but will photograph the shoes. I am not there to photograph endlessly pictures of the details.I dont wnat a shot list. Loosley posed if we are doing groups ( examples in the blog )

I am not there to photograph the event. I am there to try to photograph the spirit of the wedding. I am in this for the art. The wedding is a theatre for one day and i want a collection of pictures that will in time become the smells and sounds as well as a snapshot.

Even the equipment i use is alternative to the normal. if i am using digital - I love digital cameras from 2008. its the time where the sensors recorded what our eye sees. Nowadays they are hyper real. new cameras today make pictures with more detail than we can see.

I like using old cameras, analogue cameras, images with grain and structure. Feeling and imperfection. Sometimes not pin sharp, sometimes blacks too dark but always a moment based hopfully more around something artful than simply recording a moment. I worked for many years shooting film professionally in press and editorial work so i love working with the digital images now to try to emmulate film and also to puctuate the day with bits of film.

L&F’s wedding was one of the best of the year. So good ! at home, loads of friends, in the woods, it was gonna rain then it didnt and the sun came out, then it rained again. That pair were fully up for it , they fully engaged with the day. Laughed and cried, didnt care about the ridicoulous like some people do. They let me get on with it let me mooch about and get involved. it was a perfect wedding for me.

Here are some of their pictures that hopfully show an Alternativness to wedding photography that goes not too far into novelty weird but subtle, simple artful and considered clicks of the (probably 2008 ) camera . They had about 900 that i presented to them, a full archive of the day.

Here is a few, simple bits on the day with an alternative feel.

  • AG x